Corporate Case Studies

Suspicion Proved to Be Right

Imaginary Drivers, a long-term client, came to Integrity Investigations with suspicion about an employee named Cody that made deliveries for the company. They received several calls from unhappy customers stating sometimes they were not receiving their deliveries on time and other times were not receiving them at all. Integrity sent a covert surveillance tech to the company parking lot after business hours to place GPS tracking devices on all company issued vehicles. Our firm could monitor Cody’s location in real-time while an investigator was stationed in the area nearby. With the combination of the GPS tracker and our on-site investigator, we documented multiple detoured stops and a couple of non-approved naps.

Result: With the help of Integrity Investigations, our client could rightfully terminate Cody.

Peace of Mind

Aaron, a former owner of a pharmacy, came to Integrity Investigations with bittersweet news. He was approached with the opportunity to sell his local ‘mom and pop’ pharmacy. It was hard for him to walk away, but the most difficult part was ensuring his customers would be handled with the attention and care they received all these years. Integrity Investigations obtained background information on the company he was approached by and located several of their past clients who sold their businesses to the company. We spoke with them regarding their feelings on how the process was handled. After several conversations with the previous business owners, we concluded it was a professional business that took into consideration all aspects of the sales. Integrity also investigated the company and the principals involved and provided this information to Aaron. A final summary of the findings was prepared and provided to Aaron’s legal counsel.

Result: Aaron ultimately went through with the sale of the pharmacy, and was very pleased when everything was said and done.

A Financial Puzzle Solved

Bruno, a local business owner, contacted Integrity Investigations after the bank notified him that someone attempted to cash a check from his business account. After our investigative research, we determined a former employee, Greg, swiped Bruno’s checkbook that was sitting on his desk while he was in the process of firing him. Greg left work with the checkbook in hand and wrote a check to an associate that attempted to cash it for a significant amount.

Result: After obtaining substantial evidence, Integrity worked with local authorities to bring charges against Greg and the individual that attempted to cash the check.

All names have been changed to protect the identity and confidentiality of all cases used in our case studies.